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Saturday, November 29, 2014


Regardless of age, ethnicity, gender or geographic location, oily skin can strike anyone. 
A myriad of factors contribute to or exacerbate oily skin, including humidity, a poor face cleansing regimen and even exposure to cigarette smoke.
While some are genetically predisposed to oily skin, several others experience a hike in oil production at certain stages in their life, such as during the teenage years. Additionally, women who are pregnant, experiencing menopause or taking birth control pills are especially susceptible to oily skin.

What are the effects of having oily skin? 

People who suffer from it might feel greasy a few hours after a shower. Women with oily complexions often realize that their makeup wear off quite easily, requiring them to reapply it multiple times per day. Oily skin is also a magnet for dirt and dust, which quickly accrue and clog pores. Clogged pores lead to acne, blackheads and other skin imperfections.

You imagine all hope is lost? 

Whether it’s genetics or stress, to prevent you from shining like a disco ball, here’s how to manage oily skin in a natural, effective way.
We have put together a list of tips for cleansing oily skin, debunking some well-known skin care myths along the way. And there is some good news for oily skin sufferers. Oil-slicked complexions tend to stand the test of time better than dry ones, resulting in a younger-looking appearance with fewer lines and wrinkles.

1. Take it easy on Facial washing

While single wash or twice a day with an oil-free and gel-based cleanser can do wonders to combat dirt and oil build up, excessive cleaning can produce opposite effect! Repeated stripping off those natural oils through washing stimulates the body to produce even MORE oil.
It can be hugely tempting to wash your face every chance you get when battling oily skin. Harsh scrubbing can result in negative effect, stripping the skin of necessary oils and causing burns and rashes [source: Web MD]. Dermatologists also advise cleansing the facial area a maximum of two or three times per day. 

2. Keep Hands off the Face

Instinctively, whether drifting off to sleep or listening to a dull lecture, we rest our heads on our hands. However, curbing this seemingly harmless habit will instantly help to banish breakouts and oily skin. 
Throughout the day, our hands are constantly into contact with dirt, oils and bacteria. And when you touch your face, you’re transferring all that grime on a one-way trip directly onto your pores where it’ll cause acne and exacerbate breakouts

3. Carefully Choose Your Cosmetics 

Generally, oil-free products are the best face makeups for oily skin, so carefully scan and keep off  foundations that promise to be non- comedogenic (a fancy way of saying they won’t block your pores). It is therefore essential to be aware of what you’re applying on your face, especially when dealing with an oily complexion. You can try swapping to a mineral-based cosmetic if you are currently on an oil-rich product. 

4. Give yourself a “Face Mask Treat''

Favourite pocket friendly and easy face mask for oily skin is banana, honey, and lemon mask. The vitamin C in the banana inhibits oil production while the acidic lemon juice synthesizes existing oils. Honey on the other hand ensures anti-bacterial advantages and binds the mask together.
  • 1 overripe banana
  • 1 teaspoon of honey
  • 2 teaspoons of lemon juice
Method: mix all your ingredients together to form a semi-smooth paste; then apply on your face and neck. Until dry or approximately fifteen minutes, let it stay, then wash it away. It should leave your skin feeling soft, smooth, and squeaky clean.

5. Don not Ditch your Moisturizer 

You run the risk of stripping sebum off your skin if you frequently cleanse, tone, and wash your face to combat the shine. This not only encourage the body to produce more oil (see tip 1), but can result in dry and flaky areas around your 

T-zone (T-Zone — forehead, nose, and chin). Therefore keep your skin hydrated with moisturizer formulations for oily skin. Talc based formulations can help absorb excess oils from your skin.
It is absolute myth that ditching your moisturizer will help to treat oily skin. 

6. Do not forget to Exfoliate

To improve oily skin complexion exfoliation is necessary. Thoroughly cleanse to help prevent sebum build up and acne establishment. Exfoliators formulated with a mild astringent, such as tea tree oil, have a beneficial tightening and antibacterial effect. Salicylic acid (BHA) based formulations are fabulous for exfoliation. Salicylic acid boasts anti-inflammatory properties and promotes effective pore function.
Try Aloe Vera: 
Now available in many drugstores as well as health-food stores, aloe Vera helps to absorb oil and clear out pores. Dab the gel onto your face two to three times a day (especially after washing), and then let it dry. 
The gel will feel more refreshing if it’s cool, so keep it in the refrigerator.
Remember to exfoliate at least once or twice a week to clear skin pores of dirt, dead skill cells and other impurities.

7. Re-evaluate Your Diet

The phrase, “you are what you eat.” is now a familiar one on your lips. True – a few simple adjustments in your diet could be the key to beating that oily skin once and for all!
Begin by making sure your diet is packed with antioxidants like spinach and blueberries. Antioxidants protect your skin from aging, free-radicals and sun damage. 

Also essentials are omega-3 fatty acids rich foods such as salmon and almonds. Omega-3 fatty acids superfoods promote smooth, supple skin and combat inflammation for a more even complexion.
Fatty foods and simple carbohydrates, such as sugar and starch cause body’s insulin levels to pike and induce inflammation, which wreaks havoc on your poor acne-prone skin, - so avoid binging on them. 
Finally, remember to hydrate well by drinking plenty of water!

8. Take it Easy and Relax!

It is a fact, stress hugely exacerbate skin break outs and other nasty flare ups because body’s natural response to stress is to overproduce cortisol (stress hormone which enhances oily skin and inflammation).
Even as you go through a stressful moments in life, remember to always tone down your stress levels, especially when working on an oily skin. Anti- skin stress formulations containing anti-inflammatory ingredients like camomile and green tea can beneficial during such occasions.

9. Tone Up

The toner (also known as astringent) helps to lower your skin pH and eradicate any dirt and oil that regular cleansing cannot eliminate. For vast majority of people, however certain alcohols based toners may dry the skin out too much, especially if used frequently. A salicylic alcohol-based astringent is preferable acid to people with oily skin. 
Silica based products provide super effective toner that you can apply in addition to natural oil-free products and keep your make-up in place all day long, while simultaneously fighting off the shine.

10. Try Blotted Paper

Blotting paper or oil-blotting sheets are perfect for fixing the unpleasant effects of a humid climate or a lunch-break work out on your face. Gently dab oil-blot sheets against your skin, especially around the T-zone to leave blissfully matte for few hours.
Press the paper where you’re oily and then roll it off, instead of rubbing it on your skin to prevent ripping off all of your make-up.
Now that you know how to treat oily skin, all that’s left is that you apply these 10 tricks and you’ll be well on your way to achieving a perfect complexion!

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